Teaching Design for Unit 4 I want to be an actor Section A




新目标英语人教版七年级下册 Unit 4  Section A 教学设计



一、            教学内容分析

本单元的核心话题是职业(Occupation)。 主要围绕着人和工作(People and Job)展开听、说、读、写活动。本课是第一课时,本课课型为听说课。根据教材内容和联系学生的实际,本课时我对教材进行了整合,主要安排学习与职业这一话题有关的词汇和句型。

二、            学习对象分析


三、            教学设计意图

1. 本节课是一节为了与农村英语教师更多地分享课程改革方面的体会和经验而上的一节送教下乡课。考虑到保亭二中的实际教学条件和学生的原有知识水平,我对教学内容进行了整合,没有完全按教材的步骤去上,而是对教材内容做了适当的删减和补充,2b 和2c出现的语法句型 What does he\she want to be? He\She wants to be ------部分,我先不出现在本课的教学中,这样安排的主要目的是降低难度,让学生一节课里有更充分的时间和自信心去学习和运用询问职业和工作地点的功能句What do you do? I’m a---. What does he \she do? He\She is ---. Where does he \she work?  He\She works ---.而What does he\she want to be? He\She wants to be ------这一语法功能句型我安排在第二课时学习。在删减的同时我根据学生的生活实际补充了一些与What does he\she do? Where does he\she work?这一功能句型相关的词汇driver, farmer, worker,businessman, soldier, farm, factory。


四、            教法、学法


五、            教学目标


Words: doctor,nurse,policeman,actor,shop assistant,reporter,waiter ,bank clerk,

police station,TV station,bank,hospital,restaurant

Drills: What does he\she do?    He\She is a---.

     Where does he\she work?  He\She works ----.

补充内容:driver, farmer, worker,businessman, soldier, farm, factory



六、            教具:自制的单词卡片、图片、录音机

七、            教学过程

1.      Step 1  Warming up  (3 minutes)

 Hello, everyone. My name is Fu Zhudan. I’m from Haikou. I’m here to teach you English today.  I want to be your friend. Do you want to be my friend?

板书课题:Unit 4  I want to be---

2.      Free talk 

What’s your name?

How old are you?

Are you a student?

What do you do?

Help students answer:   I’m a student.

3. chatting   1)Teacher ask      T: What do you do?

                            S1: I’m a student.

                            S2: I’m a---. S3:----S4: ---.

            2) Students ask    S1: What do you do?

                            T: I’m a teacher.

                            S2: What do you do?  S3:---  S4:---

热身运动这一环节的设计,我首先通过自己的自我介绍自然的引出课题I want to be---接着提问与学生自身和家庭生活密切相关的问题。然后通过师生角色互换,即师问,生答和生问,师答, 生问,生答的问答活动复习与本课话题相关的student, teacher等词汇来启发学生思考问题,为呈现这一环节做好语言方面的准备工作。

Step 2  Presentation  (15 minutes)

1. Ask and answer

(Ask a student to stand up and point to him\her)  T: He\ She is a student.

                                          What does he\she do?

Help students answer:                      Ss: He\ She is a student.

2.Talk about the pictures and learn the new words (呈现自己家庭成员的图片,然后看图向学生逐一介绍各人的职业)

T: This is my father. He is a doctor. This is my mother. She is a driver. This is my brother. He is a policeman. This is my sister. She is a nurse. And this is me. I am a teacher.

3.      Ask and answer about the pictures

T: What does my father\my mother do?

Ss: He\She is a doctor\driver.


4.      Chant

 What does my father do?   Doctor, doctor, doctor.

What does my mother do?  Driver, driver, driver.

What does my brother do?  Policeman, policeman, policeman.

What does my sister do?    Nurse, nurse, nurse.

What do I do?            Teacher, teacher, teacher.

What does his father do?    Driver, Driver, driver.

What does her father do?    Doctor, doctor, doctor.


5.      Input more words about jobs

T: How many jobs can you see on the blackboard?

  What other jobs do you know?

1)      Let the students name out the jobs they know.

2)      Teacher show the jobs out by using the word cards.

3)      Read the words together

4)      Match the words with the pictures. (1a)

6.      Drills

1)      Pair work (Use the word cards to ask and answer)

A: What does he do?   B: He is ---.

A: What does she do?  B: She is ---.

2)      Ask the students themselves about their own family.

T: What does your father \ your mother do?

S1:He\ She is ---.

S2:---. S3:---.

7.      Present the places

1)      Put up a picture and talk about the places.

What’ s this?

It’s a hospital \a police station\ a Tv station\ a bank\ a school \a bus station.

2)      Read the words.

3)      Let the students name out other places they know.

eg. farm, factory, restaurant---.

4)      Talk about the workplaces.

 T: This is my father. He is a doctor. He works in a hospital.

   What does my father do?

    Ss: He is a doctor.

T:  Where does he work?

Ss: He works in a hospital.

8.      Make a dialogue in pairs

Eg.  A: What does your sister do?

B: She is a nurse.

A: Where does she work?

B: She works in a hospital.

呈现这一环节,我自然承接What do you do? I’m a student.这一话题,快速地引入到What does he\she do? He\She is a---这一新语法句型中,并通过自制的能够表现职业的、有特色的圆形图片把自身的家庭成员逐一呈现给学生,呈现的同时出现与话题相关的词汇和句型。这样的呈现新颖、独特,又能联系自身的生活实际,能很快引起学生的注意和兴趣,同时教师的示范也为学生的“学”和“说”这一环节起一个示范和引导的作用。

Step 3  Listening   (5 minutes)

1.      Listen and number the people in the pictures. (1b)

2.      Listen and number the pictures. (2a)

Step 4  Practice ( 18 minutes)

Task 1. Listen to the sentences and choose the right person, then put it in the right place.

Task 2. Talk about your family members’ jobs and workplaces with your deskmates.

Task 3. Group work  

1) Make an interview and then fill in the blanks


What does your --- do?       2. Where does your--- work?

People 人物

Work(Job) 工作


___________’ s father



___________’ s mother



___________’s brother



___________’s sister



___________’ s uncle



___________’a aunt



2). Ask two students to report the results to the class.

Eg: I interview Li Ming. Here is my report:

Li Ming’s father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. Li Ming’s mother is a ---. She works ---. Li Ming’s brother is---.

能力运用这一环节,我设计了三个学生的活动任务。任务一是听句子让学生选择正确的人物图片并亲自动手把人物放到相应的工作地点里,同时根据画面进行问答。这一活动任务的设计主要是想检测学生对词汇和句型的理解程度。这一活动相对来说比较容易。任务2是让学生联系自己的生活实际用学过的句型对自身的家庭成员进行职业描述。这一任务的设计主要是想检查学生对词汇和句型的掌握程度和使用能力。任务3是设计调查表让学生用所学句型就身边的人进行采访活动, 目的是想培养学生交流与合作的能力、收集和处理信息的能力。这一任务对于基础较差的学生会比较难。可以延伸到课外,让学生课后完成。

Step 5  Consolidation (3 minutes)

1.      Read all the words and drills on the Bb

2.      Sing a song

1      2     3     1     |   1     2      3     1   |

What  does   she   do?      What   does   she   do?


3     4     5   ——     |   3     4      5   ——  |  

She’s  a    nurse.           She’s   a     nurse.

5  6    5  4    3   1    |  5  6   5  4    3    1   |

Where  does   she  work?   Where  does    she  work?

2       5      1  ——   |  2      5     1   ——   |

She    works   in           a      hospi-tal.


Step 6  Homework ( 1 minute )

1)      Make word cards as the teacher do and tell your classmates what you want to be in the future.

2)      Make a survey after class: What do you want to be when you grow up?

作业的布置这一环节,我设计了两个学习任务。任务1要求学生像老师一样制作单词卡片,然后就卡片内容告诉同学自己喜欢的职业;任务2要求学生就What do you want to be ?这一话题开展采访活动,是为下一节课学习What does he\she want to be? He\She wants to be ---这一句型起到一个铺垫和课前的准备。