Teaching Design for Unit 1 Topic 3


仁爱英语8年级上册unit1 Topic3 SectionB教学设计

Teaching analysis and rearrangement

本课是第一单元第三话题的B部分。本课课型为听说课。重点活动是1a3本课Section B主要复习一般将来时,并学习shall的用法和句型。Section B的主要功能话题是用英语进行约会。1a 3部分通过对话的形式以Would you like to plant trees in Olympic Park with us this Sunday? What will the weather be like ?What about going hiking ? 为话题学习约定时间和地点的句型:When shall we meet? Let’s make it half past six. Where shall we meet?  Let’s meet at the school gate.主要是如何用英语礼貌地制定约会活动,包括见面时间和地点的约定和安排。为了争取更多的时间重点操练功能句,我对Part2部分与功能句联系不是很紧的有关如何种树的听力部分做了删减,先不出现在本课的教学中,里面的词汇与句子就放到以后的教学时间里再增加与种树有关的语篇进行教学。这样,无论是对于哪种层次的学生来说都有更充分的时间来学习以及运用功能句。学生也不会感到内容多而杂乱。为了避免以不同的形式重复相同的内容,我还把1a和3部分作了整合,设置多种情境活动,层层铺垫,让学生由浅到深,由套到用的过程去学习语言。我还把原来的问题换成填信息卡,简单明了,降低了难度,且通过多媒体来展现教学内容,既增强了学生学习的信心又增强了学生学习的浓厚的兴趣。


Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1. Learn some words and useful expressions:  shall, plant, pick.

When shall we meet?    Let’s make it half past six.

Where shall we meet?   Let’s meet at the school gate.

2. Review the Simple Future Tense and learn the usage of shall

3. Talk about the things planned to do and the weather in the future.

IITeaching important and difficult points(教学重难点)

Talk about the things planned to do and the weather in the future.

III. Teaching aids 教具



IV. Teaching Procedure:

1.      Warming-up

T: Good afternoon, boys and girls!

Ss: Good afternoon!

T: I’m Ms Lee. Nice to meet you!

Ss : Nice to meet you, too!

T: I know you have 5 groups, right?

Ss: Yes.

T: Where is Group Beibei ?               Ss: (摇旗子)I’m here.

T: Hello, Group Beibei!                  Ss: Hello! Ms Lee! (口号)

T: Hello, Group Jingjing!                 Ss: (摇旗子)Hello! Ms Lee! (口号)

T: Hello, Group Huanhuan!               Ss: (摇旗子)Hello! Ms Lee! (口号)

T: Hello, Group Yingying!                Ss: (摇旗子) Hello! Ms Lee! (口号)

T: Hello, Group Nini!                   Ss: (摇旗子)Hello! Ms Lee! (口号)

T: Today Let’s see who are the best by the cards you get. I’m sure we’ll enjoy our time, do you think so?   Ss: Yes! (学生各小组以竞争的形式去表现对本课知识的掌握,活跃了课堂又培养了团队精神)

2. Lead-in

T: OK, What’s the weather like today?

Ss: It’s sunny!

T: Wow, it’s a nice day! What about tomorrow? (导入新内容)What will the weather be like tomorrow?(点击幻灯,出现天气的图片和时间,教师不必作过多的解释就可以把学生带到直观的新知识的呈现上来,让学生更加容易理解接受)

Ss: It will be cloudy. (若回答的是will be,就说you are very clever!毕竟这是新的知识点,学生能通过预习就会运用,应及时地给予肯定。若回答的是It is, 就教学生改It will be…)

T: (点击幻灯,出现另外一幅天气的图片和时间让学生操练)What will the weather be like the day after tomorrow?

Ss: It will be rainy.

T: (点击幻灯,出现老师刚教过的两个句子,带读)what will the weather be like tomorrow? It will be cloudy. What will the weather be like the day after tomorrow? It will be rainy.

(点击幻灯,出现另外一幅天气的图片和时间,教师指着图片,学生一起回答,让学生去套用句型)Can you ask me?

Ss: What will the weather be like this Sunday?

T: Can you help me answer?

Ss: It will be windy.

T: Good!(点击幻灯,出现另外一幅天气的图片和时间,叫个别学生起来回答,让学生独立套用)Now on National Day, who can ask?

S1: What will the weather be like on National Day?

T: Wonderful! Who can answer?

S2: It will be sunny.

T: It will be sunny. A nice day ! What will you do on National Day ?( 很自然的复习一般将来时又导入了shall的用法)

S1: I will … (老师提示还可以用I shall,点击单词shall )

T: What about you ? S2: I shall …  S3: I shall … S4: I shall…带读shall.(此处不作为语法来重点讲解,让学生先感知语言,习惯语言的运用规律)

T: What shall I do? Can you guess?(搞动作让学生猜) S1: you will ….S2: you will ….S3: you will ….(若学生说了you shall,老师要纠正,we can only say I shall ,we shall ,we can not say you shall ,they shall…)

T: (点击幻灯,出现图片假日海滩)I shall go to the Holiday Beach.

T:(点击幻灯,出现句子)Would you like to go with me?

S1: I’d love to. T: Thank you. S2: I’d love to, but….. T: What about another time? Will you be free on the second? S2: Yes.

T: (点击幻灯,出现句子)When( what time) shall we meet?

S1: 5 p.m. T: That’s too late!  S2: 8a.m.?  T: That’s too early! Well, (点击幻灯,出现句子)Let’s make it (the time) half past eight!

(点击幻灯,出现句子) Where shall we meet?

S1: at the school gate.

T: (点击幻灯,出现句子)OK, Let’s meet at the school gate.

Let’s read those sentences together!(老师带读本课重点句型)

T:  wonderful!(点击幻灯,出现图片和图片信息以及刚学过的几个重要句子)look at the pictures. plant trees, Pick apples /fly kites What are they doing? Ss: they are planting trees. 

T:  Planting trees means …. Good, 种树。.What about this one?

Ss:Picking apples. And it means …. 摘苹果(老师做摘苹果动作)

T: What about this one? Ss: Flying kites!

T: Good job! Read after me the new words, Plant trees, Pick apples. (此处选用种树和摘苹果这两幅图是为后面的新内容对话作铺垫,让学生先有了这方面的语言知识,即教了新生词plant, pick又有贴近生活的flying kites一起操练以上刚学到几个重要句子)

T: Let’s do the dialogs in pairs. (这部分的目的是让学生根据提供的情景内容来套用刚学过的几个重要句型。运用多媒体来设置情境让学生操练功能句,让学生更能感受真实的语言感受真实的情景;且功能句用一张幻灯来呈现更能突出重点,使人一目了然,不用老师再干瘪瘪的重复、假设,还要花时间去板书,简化了许多常规教学中不必要的繁琐步骤)

3. Listening

T: Good. You are wonderful. Just now you invited your friend to do sth. Now the two boys Michael and Kangkang will do sth in Olympic Park. (点击幻灯,出现听力问题) What will M and K do in Olympic Park? Let’s listen and find out this question. (放听力,然后对答案.第一次听只想让学生掌握一个大概内容,只带一个问题去听,让学生对听不畏惧,但也不能盲听。)

2) (点击幻灯,出现听力的信息卡)Listen again and find out the messages.

Now take out your card 1! Let’s listen again and find out the messages here. ( 读一遍信息卡, 让学生作好要听的准备)

(点击幻灯,播放录音。)然后让学生起来回答。接着是打开课本19页,1.read the dialog after me 2. this time, you read by yourselves! (让学生自渎,即可以培养学生的自学能力,又能让学生对对话有个视觉的理解)3. boys read Kangkang and girls read Michael.

4. Practise

1)     Make a similar dialog like 1a.

T:(点击幻灯,出现跳舞的情景和小女孩做作业的情景。)Let’s look at these pictures. Can you make a similar dialog like 1a.?(学生准备好后找1或2对表演。)此处是对对话内容的一个简单的拓展

2)      Make dialogs with the messages.(设置更多的情景让学生灵活运用功能句)

T: (点击幻灯,出现两位学生都熟悉的老师的相片,尽可能地去吸引学生。)Two persons want to go cycling. Can you guese who they are? They are Ms Lee and Mr Wu. But Mr Wu is not here . would you like to be Mr Wu? 老师与学生先做示范,表演对话。

T: Hello! Mr Wu! What will the weather be like this Saturday?

Ss: It will be sunny.

T: Really? What about going cycling on Binhai Road?

Ss: Good idea! When shall we meet?

T: Let’s make it six.

Ss: OK. Where shall we meet?

T: Let’s meet at my house.

Ss: OK. See you then.

T: See you.  Excellent! Thank you Mr. Wu!

T: (点击幻灯)6幅图,让学生选择。Look, each picture has a dialog. Every group has a chance to choose. Which one would you want to choose? (把要求用汉语标出来,给时间准备,要求不看着卡片表演,时间到时让学生一一抽3个组上来表演。这部分的设计让学生想用语言的兴趣慢慢加强了。前面的铺垫套用,学生对功能句已经熟悉,而此处情境的设置就是学生灵活尝试的绝好机会,加上拿老师的照片作例子,课堂上的学生们都跃跃欲试,气氛很活跃)

2)Make an appointment

(点击幻灯)出现约会卡。Well , I know you are very wonderful! All right, we know National Day is coming. You must have many plans for the holiday! Maybe you will go swimming? Go fishing? Now take out your second card and make an appointment with your friends or the teachers you like! Then report in the front by yourself or with your partners! Stand up to find your friends or the teachers! You have 4 minutes.(这部分让学生自己去创设情境,自己独立运用语言,使本课的重点难点在课堂上就得到解决)

5. Thinking

(点击幻灯)出现思考问题: T: From 1a we know M and K will go to plant trees, but why will they go to plant trees in Olympic Park? Thingking and answer the question.    S1: ….S2:…..

T: Many people do a lot of things for 2008 Olympic? We are Chinese. Shall we do something for the Olympic? (点击幻灯)问题: .What shall we do for 2008 Olympics? S1:….S2….(学生会用功能句之后再把学生拉回到奥运的主题,培养学生的爱国情怀,为下节课作铺垫。)

6. 评价学生的表现。

7. Summery

8. Homework

9. Enjoy some pictures(情感教育)now let’s enjoy some pictures! Picture1 more building. Picture2 more roads. Picture3 more grass and trees. Picture4 new traffic tools .Picture4 player who got medals. T: These players are great, right? Ss: Yes! T: China is great! Let’s study hard to make our country stronger and stronger!


